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Yorkshire Ripper

501 bytes added, 06:56, 27 October 2018
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As the [http://crimehub.co.uk/index.php?title=The_%27Tracking_Inquiry%27_-_Yorkshire_Ripper 'Tracking Inquiry'], which was started in connection with the [http://crimehub.co.uk/index.php?title=Irene_Richardson_-_Yorkshire_Ripper_Victim Irene Richardson] murder, was discontinued the hunt for a white Mark II ford Cortina began. [http://crimehub.co.uk/index.php?title=The_hunt_for_the_White_Mark_II_Ford_Cortina_-_Yorkshire_Ripper Read More]
== Computerisation ==
=== Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell and the Yorkshire Ripper Investigation ===
On 11th July 1977 the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire, Mr. Gregory, wrote to the Director of the Police Scientific Development Branch asking whether the Branch was able to offer any assistance in connection with the Yorkshire Ripper inquiry. [http://crimehub.co.uk/index.php?title=Atomic_Energy_Research_Establishment_at_Harwell_and_the_Yorkshire_Ripper_Investigation Read More]